(A)   The duties of the City Attorney are to be those as defined by Article 7.4 of the Charter of the city.
   (B)   The City Attorney shall give bond to the city in the amount of $100,000 for the faithful performance of the duties as such officer, and the charges therefor shall be paid out of funds appropriated for such purposes.
   (C)   Nothing contained within this section shall be construed to prohibit the City Council from assigning to the City Attorney whatever other duties or responsibilities that said City Council may in its wisdom lawfully elect to entrust to the City Attorney.
   (D)   The City Attorney may, with the advice and consent of the City Council, employ assistants to discharge certain prescribed duties of the office of City Attorney.
   (E)   The City Attorney may, with the advice and consent of the City Manager, employ special prosecutors to discharge cases in the Municipal Court, should the City Attorney judge that he or she possesses some ethical conflict with a party to a case in the Municipal Court.
   (F)   Nothing contained within this section shall be construed to prohibit the City Council from employing whatever other legal counsel it deems appropriate in addition to the City Attorney. However, in all matters the City Attorney shall be the ranking legal advisor to City Council and no legal action shall be taken without the City Attorney's knowledge.
(Ord. 29-2004, passed 4-28-04)