(A) It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain piping and plumbing fixtures in good condition. The amount of water registered by any meter or otherwise shall be charged and paid for in full irrespective of whether such water, after having been registered, was lost by leakage, accident, or otherwise. If such unknown leaks occur, the city auditor or service director reserves the right to amend, alter, adjust, or fix special rates in such cases, based upon the facts and circumstances of each case. In such cases the adjusting personnel shall be guided by the following guidelines:
(B) Goodwill adjustment guidelines.
(1) Leaks which occur in water lines, not ending up in the sanitary sewer system.
(a) Sewer use will be adjusted to normal use based on the average of the past six months usage.
(b) Twenty-five percent of the water use over the normal usage of the past six months will be adjusted off the bill.
(2) Adjustments may be made for one leak which will not be for longer than a two month period. Only one such adjustment may be made in a 12 month period.
(3) Staff should use judgment, but generally a leak should involve usage which represents a 50% increase over normal usage.
(4) Special assessments for debit service charges may be adjusted to normal levels as appropriate.
(Ord. 6-96, passed 4-10-96)