(A)   A charge for water and sewer will be issued for each billing period. The charge will normally be determined from the difference between two consecutive meter readings. When, for any reason, a meter reading has not been obtained, the charge may be `estimated' from quantities of water used during previous periods. Improved accessible property shall be billed the base cost for water and sewer service, whether or not the service is used and regardless of whether the meter has been turned off. Improved accessible property shall be deemed to be a property located within 150 feet of a water or sewer main, or is (or was) physically connected to the water or sewer system regardless of its distance from a main. Accessibility shall not apply to properties outside of the city corporation limits until they have been connected to the water or sewer system.
   (B)   If an improved accessible property has been condemned and its meter removed, no charges will be levied against the property. Meter removal on a temporary basis will not relieve the owner of payment of a water or sewer bill under this section.
   (C)   The city shall endeavor to give proper notice of water and sewer service charges, but by law cannot guarantee delivery of the mail. Failure to receive notice by mail shall not excuse customers from prompt payment of charges. It shall be the established policy of the city to accept total and complete payments for charges billed.
(Ord. 6-96, passed 4-10-96)