For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BILLIARD ROOM.  Any public place where the game of billiards or pool is permitted to be played and which is not licensed by the Department of Liquor Control for the consumption of alcohol on the premises.
   BILLIARDS. Any of the several games which are played on a table surrounded by an elastic ledge or cushions, with balls which are propelled or moved by the means of a rod or cue. This definition includes the game of pocket billiards, popularly called pool.
   BOWLING. Any game which is played by the rolling of balls upon a flat surface with the object of striking and knocking down pins or directing such balls at, against or into a given object or objects. This definition includes the game popularly called skee ball and box balls.
(‘73 Code, § 711.01) (Am. Ord. 49-89, passed 1-24-90)