(A) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, unless the context indicates otherwise, certain words and phrases used in this section are defined as follows:
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Shall have the same meaning as defined in 40 CFR 261.3.
SEPTAGE. Anaerobic wastewater originating from a domestic source, be it from a residential, commercial, or industrial facility, that is not hazardous waste and is compatible with the biological wastewater treatment plant process.
WWTP. The Wastewater Treatment Plant.
(B) Rules and regulations.
(1) Permits. No person shall discharge to or place in the city sewerage system any septage without a septage disposal permit issued by the wastewater City Manager, or by another permit authorized by the City Manger. Application for a permit shall be made on a form prescribed by the City Manager. The permit fee shall be $25.
(2) Disposal of septage. Permit holders shall dispose of septage only at the city WWTP Septage Receiving Facility 1210 South Elm Street. The WWTP operator acting on behalf of the City Manager shall have authority to limit the disposal of such wastes, if such disposal would interfere with the treatment plant operation. Procedures for the disposal of such wastes shall be in conformance with the operating policy of the WWTP Superintendent and disposal shall be accomplished under his supervision unless specifically permitted otherwise. Operating procedures, including but not limited to, sampling, hours of operation, required record keeping, and billing will be provided to each permitee.
(3) Industrial wastewater ordinance compliance. All users of the septage receiving station shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 52 of the city Code of Ordinances.
(4) Hazardous waste. Hazardous waste shall not be disposed of in this facility.
(5) Septage disposal fee.
(a) All users of the septage receiving station shall pay a septage fee for the costs of sampling and accepting, treating and disposing of the septage through the wastewater system. The fee shall be the following:
1. Domestic users shall pay $0.05 per gallon; and
2. Non-domestic users shall pay $0.08 per gallon.
(b) This septage disposal fee shall be paid according to the available capacity of the septage hauling vehicle regardless of the actual quantity of septage to be disposed.
(c) The septage disposal fee shall be reviewed periodically by the superintendent and the City Manager to ensure that it generates sufficient revenue to pay the costs of construction, operation, maintenance, repairs and replacement of the septage receiving station and the associated costs to treat the septage.
(C) Billing.
(1) A permit holder shall pay septage fees through a monthly billing arrangement.
(2) Any permit holder in arrears on a monthly billing may be required to provide a cash deposit or bond in a reasonable amount as determined by the City Auditor to continue monthly billings. The Auditor may apply the deposit or bond against any amount unpaid 60 days after the date of the billing. The Auditor may terminate a monthly billing privilege at any time and require the hauler to pay at the time of delivery.
(3) A user discharging through special authorization of the Superintendent shall be billed at the septage receiving station subsequent to the acceptance of the load and shall pay the fee prior to the discharge of the septage.
(4) The septage hauling station may be used for transient septage needs - such as the dumping of RVs or motor homes. A fee for such dumping shall be $5.
(5) Illegal discharge. Any person who disposes any septage in the city facilities without a permit shall be liable for a permit fee of $1,000. In addition, violations of this section shall be treated as violations of Chapter 52, including the assessment of the penalties. (Ord. 6-94, passed 4-27-94)
(Ord. 34-2000, passed 10-11-00; Am. Ord. 1-2010, passed 4-14-10)