1939 Code | Description
1939 Code | Description
§ 421 | To the Washington Gas Light Co. for gas for 50 street lights for 10 years. |
§ 432 | To John P. Martin to construct and maintain waterworks system, to supply city with water, to maintain emergency water reservoir for 20 years. |
§ 397 | To the Washington Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. for electric service. |
§ 430 | To Frank L. Chase to maintain and operate gas pipes and supply gas, and fixing the rates. |
§ 431 | To F.L. Stutson, A.S. Ballard and Robert Howat to lay, maintain and operate gas pipes for supplying natural gas for ten years. |
§ 477 | To the Washington Gas and Electric Co. for hot water for 25 years. |
§ 488 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. to supply electrical service until Sept. 30, 1935, and fixing the rates. |
§ 482 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. to supply natural gas for four years and fixing the rates. |
§ 494 | To the Ohio Water Service Co. for supplying water for ten years and fixing the rates. |
§ 492 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. for street lighting for five years and fixing the rates. |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
612 | 9-22-54 | Regulating water service rates. |
673 | 10-26-55 | To William Phillips to operate taxicab service. |
827 | 10-8-58 | To Dayton Power and Light Co. for street lighting and fixing the rates for five years. |
901 | 12-9-59 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. for gas service and fixing the rates for two years. |
994 | 10-26-60 | To William Phillips to operate taxicab service for one year. |
1066 | 10-11-61 | To William Phillips to operate taxicab service for one year. |
1158 | 12-26-62 | To William Phillips d.b.a. Tryme-City Cabs to operate taxicab service until 10-19-63. |
1208 | 9-25-63 | To Dayton Power and Light Co. for street lighting for five years and fixing the rates. |
1213 | 11-13-63 | To William Phillips to operate taxicab service for two years and fixing the rates. |
11-68 | 2-14-68 | To the Washington Mini-Bus Line to operate transportation system for three years. |
28-68 | 6-12-68 | To the Court Cable Co. to construct and operate CATV. |
45-68 | 9-11-68 | Regulates the rates which may be charged by the Dayton Power and Light Co. for street lighting for five years. |
61-68 | 11-27-68 | To the Washington Mini-Bus Line to operate transportation system for three years. |
17-69 | 1-8-69 | To the Mini-Cab Co. to operate taxicab service for three years. |
12-72 | 2-9-72 | Declares Ord. 17-69 void, canceling Mini- Cab Co. franchise. |
13-72 | 2-23-72 | To the Fayette Cab Co. to operate taxicab service for three years. |
70-73 | 9-26-73 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. to fix rates for street lighting for three years. |
1-74 | 1-9-74 | Repeals Ord. 13- 72. |
3-74 | 1-30-74 | To Court House Cab, Inc. to operate taxicab service for six months. |
35-74 | 7-24-74 | To Court House Cab, Inc. to operate taxicab service for six months. |
55-74 | 1-22-75 | Amends 28-68, regarding CATV charges. |
35-75 | 9-10-75 | Amends 35-74, regarding taxicab fares. |
40-75 | 10-22-75 | Amends 28-68, regarding CATV operation compliance. |
11-76 | 6-9-76 | To Riley Taxi Service to operate taxicab service for six months. |
21-76 | 8-25-76 | To the Dayton Power and Light Co. to fix rates for street lighting for two years. |
32-76 | 12-20-76 | Amends Ord. 11-76 to extend franchise for one year. |
4-78 | 2-22-78 | Amends Ord. 11-76 re Riley Taxi franchise term. |
23-78 | 7-10-78 | Amends Ord. 11-76 re taxi fares. |
37-78 | 10-2-78 | Dayton Power and Light Co. - regulates street lighting rates for two years and continuing for not more than ten years. |
55-78 | 1-2-79 | Amends Ord. 28-68 re cable television franchise. |
37-79 | 12-3-79 | Court Cablevision, Inc. granted a cablevision franchise. |
16-82 | 6-9-82 | Dayton Power and Light Co. electric franchise for 25 years. |
17-82 | 6-23-82 | Dayton Power and Light Co. regulates street lighting rates from 10-1-81 to 12-31-82. |
28-84 | 9-12-84 | Dayton Power and Light Co. to fix rates for street lighting for two years. |
24-86 | 10-8-86 | Dayton Power and Light Co. to fix rates for street lighting for two years. |
25-2000 | 8-9-00 | Dayton Power and Light Co. a gas franchise for ten years. |