(A) Containers used for garbage. All garbage shall be kept in rust resistant, watertight, nonabsorbent and easily washable containers which are covered with close-fitting lids. Where practicable, all garbage shall be drained of liquids and wrapped in papers. These containers shall be of adequate capacity and provided in sufficient number to hold all garbage that accumulates between collections. All containers shall be washed and treated with a disinfectant as often as necessary to prevent nuisance. ('73 Code, § 947.02)
(B) Containers used for refuse. All refuse shall be stored in reasonably tight and substantial containers that are easy to handle. Such containers shall be of adequate capacity and provided in sufficient number to hold all refuse which accumulates between collections. ('73 Code, § 947.03)
(Ord. 688, passed 12-14-55) Penalty, see § 51.99