Gasoline service stations, or retail establishments selling gasoline as an ancillary activity, are listed as conditional and permitted uses in the business districts. In addition to the requirements of the district in which the gasoline service station is located, and other provisions of this chapter, such establishments shall be subject to the following requirements:
(A) Minimum lot size. Fifteen thousand square feet.
(B) Minimum building or structure size. The building shall have an enclosed area of not less than 800 square feet if any service is offered on or from the premises other than the delivery of gasoline, diesel fuel or oil for use as vehicle fuel or lubrication. If a gasoline service station offers no service other than the delivery of gasoline, diesel fuel or oil into vehicles, the enclosed area of the building shall not be less than 600 square feet. No such limited gasoline service station may offer to provide lubrication, oil changes, repairs, or other equipment installation.
(C) Minimum frontage. The lot on which a gasoline service station is located shall have frontage of not less than 150 feet along a dedicated and improved street designated as not less than minor arterial status on the Thoroughfare Plan. If a gasoline service station is located on the corner of two or more intersecting streets, it shall have 150 feet of frontage on each intersecting street.
(D) Location. No gasoline service station shall be located on any lot within 200 feet of any zoning district where residences are a permitted use.
(E) Setbacks. The pump island setback in a gasoline service station, which shall be the minimum location for pumps dispensing fuel or oil products, shall be 40 feet from any right-of-way of any street, and 40 feet from any adjoining property line. Any building located on such premises shall be located not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way of any street.
(F) Driveways and parking areas. Driveways and parking areas shall be paved and properly drained. The landscaping of areas along the perimeter of the lot is required, pursuant to § 156.130 through 156.133.
(G) Parking. Gasoline service stations shall be subject to the parking and loading provisions of §§ 156.095 through 156.100 of this chapter. In addition, no inoperable or damaged motor vehicle shall be parked outside a gasoline service station building in excess of 72 hours. Parking areas shall be located not closer than five feet to the main building.
(H) Outside storage. Outside storage shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) All vending machines, except ice machines and telephone booths, shall be located inside the main building.
(2) Only one permanent or one portable display rack for oil, antifreeze, or other automotive products shall be permitted on each pump island. No such rack shall be located closer than 25 feet to the street right-of-way line or adjoining property line. All other displays or merchandise outside the main building is prohibited.
(3) All hydraulic hoists, oil pits, lubricants and greasing, and other repair equipment shall be enclosed completely within the main building.
(Ord. 34-90, passed 12-26-90)