(A) When zoning use permit required. A zoning use permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer by the owner, lessee, or other person having the right to possession, or his or her authorized agent, of any property or structure before commencing:
(1) To establish, occupy, or change the use of a structure or land either by itself or in addition to another use;
(2) To construct or erect a new structure or part thereof;
(3) To extend or move any structure or part thereof;
(4) To change one nonconforming use to another such use or to a special use; or
(5) To extend, expand, change, or re-establish any nonconforming use; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to those persons, nor to property, structures, or uses exempted from the regulation of this chapter by statute or by other provisions of this chapter, except to the extent specifically provided hereinafter.
(B) Application for zoning use permit. Applications for zoning use permits shall be filed in the office of the Zoning Officer on forms prescribed by him or her. Such applications shall:
(1) State the location, street number, lot, block, and/or tract comprising the legal description of the property;
(2) State the name and address of the owner, the applicant, if different from the owner, and the contractor if known;
(3) State the estimated costs;
(4) Describe the uses to be established or expanded;
(5) Be accompanied by a plan in duplicate, or duplicate prints thereof, drawn approximately to scale, showing the:
(a) Actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon;
(b) Size, shape, and location of the use to be established or the structure to be constructed;
(c) Size, shape, and location of all existing structures and uses located on the lot;
(d) Minimum floor elevations and highest known floor level, where applicable;
(e) Ingress and egress;
(f) Off-street parking spaces and loading berths;
(g) Water supply and sewage disposal facilities, including a true and correct copy of any permit; and
(h) Other information as may be necessary to provide for the proper administration and enforcement of this chapter.
(6) Include any accessory structure or use established or constructed at the same time the main or principal structure, or main or principal use is established or constructed.
(C) Issuance of zoning use permit.
(1) If the Zoning Officer determines that an application for zoning use permit and the use applied for conform to the applicable regulations and standards of this chapter, and if an application for a zoning compliance certificate has been made, he or she shall issue a zoning use permit.
(2) Each zoning use permit for a main or principal structure, or main or principal use shall also cover any accessory structure or accessory use established or constructed at the same time on the same lot or tract of land.
(3) The Zoning Officer shall issue an original and duplicate copy of the zoning use permit to the applicant and shall retain another duplicate copy for his or her records.
(4) The applicant’s duplicate copy shall be posted in plain sight on the premises for which it is issued until the zoning compliance certificate has been issued.
(D) Expiration of zoning use permit.
(1) If the work described on any zoning use permit shall not have begun within 90 days from the issuance thereof, said permit shall expire and be cancelled by the Zoning Officer and written notice thereof shall be given to the applicant.
(2) If the work described on any zoning use permit shall not have been substantially completed within 365 consecutive days from the issuance thereof, said permit shall expire and be cancelled by the Zoning Officer and written notice thereof shall be given to the applicant, together with notice that further work as described on the cancelled permit shall not proceed until a new permit shall have been issued; provided, however, that for commercial and industrial buildings, the permit shall extend for such period as set forth in the application for the zoning use permit as the time necessary to complete the building.
(3) If a new zoning use permit is issued granting additional time for completion of the work, such new permit may require, at the discretion of the Board, a limitation on time allowed for the completion of the work and a performance bond to ensure completion within the time set. Such new permit shall not, in any case, be valid after 365 consecutive days from the date of issuance thereof.
(4) A zoning use permit issued for the establishment of the use of land where no structure is involved, or on which land a structure is accessory to the main or principal use, such main or principal use not involving any structure shall not expire. The land so used shall be inspected by the Zoning Officer at one year intervals from the date of issuance of such permit to ensure compliance with the regulations and standards of this chapter.
(1977 Code, § 5-10-2)