(A)   Permitted uses. Within the Industrial District the following are permitted:
      (1)   Grain storage, feed mills, and fertilizer storage and processing, excluding liquid fertilizer;
      (2)   Wholesale, storage, and warehouse facilities, except those specifically prohibited;
      (3)   Railroad yards, siding and switching facilities, and public utilities;
      (4)   Fuel storage, lumber yards, building material storage yard, or similar storage yards, but not including salvage or junk yards;
      (5)   The manufacture or processing of goods or products;
      (6)   Customary accessory uses;
      (7)   Signs; provided that the gross area of signs shall not exceed six times the lineal feet of frontage of the lot on which such signs are located; and
      (8)   Those uses permitted in the Agricultural District, § 152.048(A), subject to the regulations as stated in § 152.048(B).
   (B)   Regulations and standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot size. None specified.
      (2)   Maximum coverage. The amount of the total lot area which may be covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 50%.
   (C)   Required yards and open spaces. On every lot in the Industrial District, yards shall be required as follows:
      (1)   Interior lot. A front yard, two side yards, and a rear yard;
      (2)   Corner lot. A front yard on each lot line abutting a street, a side and a rear yard, except in the case where three lot sides abut a street, there shall be required, in addition to three front yards, a side yard;
      (3)   Front yard. Front yard depth where a lot abuts a major street, as designated on the zoning map, shall be 70 feet from the centerline of such right-of-way, but not less than 30 feet from the right-of-way line. Where a lot abuts a collector or minor street, as designated on the zoning map, the minimum depth 55 feet from the centerline, but not less than 25 feet from the right-of-way line. If the building is to be constructed in an established block where there are existing buildings, the yard depth shall be the average of the yard depths of two buildings, one on either side;
      (4)   Side yard. Side yard width shall be ten feet or greater. No accessory buildings shall project into the required side yard space;
      (5)   Rear yard. Rear yard depth shall not be less than 20 feet. Within the required yards, or in addition thereto, there shall be sufficient space for the loading and unloading of motor vehicles off the street; and
      (6)   Buffer. Where a lot abuts a lot in a residential district, there shall be provided along such lot line a suitable buffer of plant materials, fencing, or a combination of both, to shield the residential area from the industrial area. Where the transition from the industrial district to the residential district is a public street, the front yard in the industrial district shall be suitably landscaped.
   (D)   Construction. Any permitted use shall be so constructed and operated as to create no nuisance with respect to noise, vibration, emission of smoke or particulate matter; toxic, noxious, or odorous matter; glare and heat; or as to create fire or explosive hazards. For the purpose of this chapter, the performance standards as to noise, smoke and particulate matter, and fire and explosive hazards as set forth in the Woodford County Zoning Ordinance shall be used as a guide.
   (E)   Off-street parking space. Off-street parking shall be provided as follows:
      (1)   One off-street parking space per person normally employed on the lot or tract of land; and
      (2)   One off-street parking space for each truck or other vehicle incidental to the use of such lot or tract of land.
(1977 Code, § 5-6)  (Ord. passed 9-12-1966)