Bridge and culvert replacement structures and bridge widening meeting the following conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit Number 12:
(A) A licensed professional engineer shall determine and document that the existing structure has not been the cause of demonstrable flood damage. Such documentation shall include, at a minimum, confirmation that:
(1) No buildings or structures have been impacted by the backwater induced by the existing structure; and
(2) There is no record of complaints of flood damages associated with the existing structure.
(B) A licensed professional engineer shall determine that the new structure will provide the same or greater effective waterway opening as the existing structure. For bridge-widening projects the existing piers and the proposed pier extensions must be in line with the direction of the approaching flow upstream of the bridge;
(C) The project shall not include any appreciable raising of the approach roads. (This condition does not apply if all points on the approaches exist at an elevation equal to or higher than the 100-year frequency flood headwater elevation as determined by a FEMA flood insurance study completed or approved by IDNR/OWR);
(D) The project shall not involve the straightening, enlargement, or relocation of the existing channel of the river or stream except as permitted by the Department’s Statewide Permit Number 9 (Minor Shoreline, channel and Streambank Protection Activities) or Statewide Permit Number 11 (Minor Maintenance Dredging Activities); and
(E) The permittee shall maintain records of projects authorized by this permit necessary to document compliance with the above conditions.
(Ord. 10-01, passed 7-12-2010)