Bank stabilization projects meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit Number 9:
(A) Only the following materials may be utilized in urban areas: stone and concrete riprap, steel sheet piling, cellular blocks, fabric-formed concrete, gabion baskets, rock and wire mattresses, sand/cement filled bags, geotechnical fabric materials, natural vegetation and treated timber. Urban areas are defined as: areas of the state where residential, commercial, or industrial development currently exists or, based on land use plans or controls, is expected to occur within ten years. (The Department should be consulted if there is a question of whether or not an area is considered urban);
(B) In addition to the materials listed in division (A) above, other materials (e.g., tire revetments) may be utilized in rural areas provided all other conditions of this permit are met;
(C) The following materials shall not be used in any case: auto bodies, garbage or debris, scrap lumber, metal refuse, roofing materials, asphalt or other bituminous materials, or any material which would cause water pollution as defined by the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.);
(D) The affected length of shoreline, stream bank, or channel to be protected shall not exceed, either singularly or cumulatively, 1,000 feet;
(E) All material utilized shall be properly sized or anchored to resist anticipated forces of current and wave action;
(F) Materials shall be placed in a way which would not cause erosion or the accumulation of debris on properties adjacent to or opposite the project;
(G) Materials shall not be placed higher than the existing top of the bank;
(H) (1) Materials shall be placed so that the modified bank full-width and cross-sectional area of the channel will conform to or be no more restrictive than that of the natural channel upstream and downstream of the site.
(2) For projects involving continuous placement of riprap along the bank, toe of the bank or other similar applications, in no case shall the cross-sectional area of the natural channel be reduced by more than 10% nor the volume of material placed exceed two cubic yards per lineal foot of the stream bank or shoreline. The bank may be graded to obtain a flatter slope and to lessen the quantity of material required.
(I) If broken concrete is used, all protruding materials such as reinforcing rods shall be cut flush with the surface of the concrete and removed from the construction area;
(J) Disturbance of vegetation shall be kept to a minimum during construction to prevent erosion and sedimentation. All disturbed areas shall be seeded or otherwise stabilized upon completion of construction;
(K) In the case of seawalls and gabion structures on lakes, the structure shall be constructed at or landward of the water line as determined by the normal pool elevation, unless:
(1) It is constructed in alignment with an existing seawall(s) or gabion structure(s); and
(2) The volume of material placed, including the structure, would not exceed two cubic yards per lineal foot.
(L) Excess material excavated during the construction of the bank or shoreline protection shall be placed in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and rules, and shall not be placed in a floodway.
(Ord. 10-01, passed 7-12-2010)