Outfall structures and drainage ditch outlets meeting the following conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit Number 7:
(A) Any outfall structure, including any headwall or end-section, shall not extend riverward or lakeland of the existing adjacent natural bank slope or adjacent bank protection;
(B) The velocity of the discharge shall not exceed the scour velocity of the channel soil, unless channel erosion would be prevented by the use of riprap or other design measures;
(C) Outlets from drainage ditches shall not be opened to a stream until the ditch is vegetated or otherwise stabilized to minimize stream sedimentation; and
(D) Disturbance of streamside vegetation shall be kept to a minimum during construction to prevent erosion and sedimentation. All disturbed floodway areas, including the stream banks, shall be restored to their original contours and seeded or otherwise stabilized upon completion of construction.
(Ord. 10-01, passed 7-12-2010)