Minor boat docks meeting the following conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit Number 5:
(A) The boat dock must not extend more than 50 feet into a waterway and no more than one-quarter of the width of the waterway and shall not extend beyond the navigational limited established by the IDNR and Corps of Engineers;
(B) The width of the boat dock shall not be more than ten feet;
(C) For L-Shaped or T-shaped docks, the length of that portion parallel to the shoreline must not exceed 50% of the landowner’s shoreline frontage nor 50 feet;
(D) Docks must be aligned so as not to cross the projection of property lines into the waterway or come within ten feet of the projected property line;
(E) Dock posts must be marked by reflective devices;
(F) The boat dock must be securely anchored to prevent detachment during times of high wind or water;
(G) Metal drums or containers may not be used as buoyancy units unless they are filled with floatation foam. Containers which previously stored pesticides, herbicides, or any other toxic chemicals are not permissible;
(H) This permit does not authorize any other related construction activity such as shore protection or fill;
(I) Non-floating boat docks must be constructed in a manner which will minimize obstruction to flow; and
(J) At any future date, the permittee must agree to make necessary modifications to the dock as determined by the IDNR or Corp of Engineers
(Ord. 10-01, passed 7-12-2010)