Aerial utility crossings meeting the following conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit Number 4:
   (A)   The utility line must be constructed above the existing 100-year flood elevation or attached to an existing bridge;
   (B)   A utility line attached to an existing bridge shall be constructed above the low cord elevation of the bridge;
   (C)   No supporting towers or poles shall be located in a river, lake, or stream;
   (D)   Supporting towers, including foundation and poles, shall be designed and located so as to not cause an obstruction of flood flows by trapping debris;
   (E)   All disturbed areas shall be returned to pre-construction grades and re-vegetated; and
   (F)   All Illinois Commerce Commission, National Electrical Safety Code, and federal requirements must be met.
(Ord. 10-01, passed 7-12-2010)