No transaction involving: sales, purchases, leases of real property; contracts with the village requiring Village Board approval; vacations of public ways; zoning district amendments; variations, special uses or planned developments; subdivisions, re-subdivisions, or consolidations of parcels of land; or facade grants and/or loans, shall be considered by any employee, commission, board, or Board of Trustees unless the person or entity applying for the relief or approval discloses, among other matters, the following information:
(A) If for the purchase by the village of the property, the name of any and all current holders of legal or beneficial title to the property in question;
(B) If there is a contract pending for the sale by the village of the property, the name of the purchasing party and all current holders of legal or beneficial title to the property in question;
(C) The name of the party making application; and
(D) With respect to divisions (A), (B), and (C) above, the following shall apply:
(1) “Holder of title” shall mean each and every legal or beneficial owner;
(2) If any party whose name is required is an entity other than a natural person, then the application shall disclose the name of every natural person holding a greater than 3% interest in the entity and every director, officer, and manager of such entity. If the entity is a limited partnership or a limited liability corporation, then the name of every limited or general partner shall be disclosed. If such limited or general partner is a corporate entity, then the name of every person holding a greater than 3% interest in that corporation shall be disclosed;
(3) “Name” shall mean name and business address;
(4) If during the course of the approval process, changes are made in the above information, there shall be a continuing requirement to update the information; and
(5) The name of any village employee or official who has acted as or intends to act as a consultant or vendor to any of the persons or entities required to be disclosed in divisions (D)(1) through (D)(4) above.
(Ord. 07-04, passed 8-13-2007)