(A)   Position established. The office of County Zoning Administrator is hereby established, for which the Board of County Commissioners may appoint an Administrator and such other personnel necessary to discharge the duties of the office.
   (B)   Duties. The duties of the Zoning Administrator shall include the following:
      (1)   To be in direct administration of this ordinance, the County Subdivision Regulations and Feedlot Ordinance;
      (2)   Issue zoning permits and any other permits as required by the terms of this ordinance;
      (3)   To receive and forward to the Board of County Commissioners, County Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and other appropriate agencies as required or appropriate by state statutes all applications, documents and actions;
      (4)   To keep or supervise the keeping of all necessary records, plats and maps;
      (5)   To act as Secretary to the Board of Adjustment and County Planning Commission;
      (6)   To act as advisor to the Board of Adjustment and County Planning Commission;
      (7)   Provide information upon request relative to matters of this ordinance, the County Subdivision Regulations, the County Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment; and
      (8)   Report on a regular basis to the County Board of Commissioners the recommendations, findings and decisions of the County Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment for final action where necessary.
(Ord. 97, passed 7-21-2009)