Heritage preservation sites shall be designated as follows:
   (A)   Criteria. The Commission shall recommend to the City Council areas, buildings, districts or objects to be designated heritage preservation sites. In considering the designation of heritage preservation sites, the Commission shall apply the following criteria:
      (1)    The character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the city, state or county.
      (2)   The location as a site of a significant historic event.
      (3)   The identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the city’s culture and development.
      (4)   The embodiment of distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style, period, or treatment.
      (5)   The identification as work of an architect or master builder whose individual work has influenced the city’s development.
      (6)   The embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship which represent a significant architectural innovation.
      (7)   The unique location or singular physical characteristic representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community or the city.
   (B)   Findings and recommendations. The Commission shall determine if the proposed heritage preservation site is eligible for heritage preservation as determined by the criteria specified in this section.
   (C)   Communications with Minnesota Historical Society. A copy of the Commission’s proposed designation of a heritage preservation site, including boundaries, and a program for the preservation of a heritage preservation site shall be sent to the Minnesota Historical Society/State Preservation Office.
   (D)   Hearings. Prior to the Commission recommending to the City Council any building, district or object for designation as a heritage preservation site, the Commission shall hold a public hearing and seek the recommendations of concerned citizens. Prior to the hearing, the Commission shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, notice of the hearing at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing, and notice of the hearing shall be sent to all owners of the property proposed to be designated a heritage preservation site.
   (E)   City Council designation. The City Council, upon request of the Commission may by ordinance designate a heritage preservation site and make appropriate adjustments to the zoning map. Upon the approval of the heritage preservation site, the Commission shall transmit to the City Council its recommendation for the proposed program for the heritage preservation site.
   (F)   Planning Commission notification. The City Council shall advise the City Planning Commission of the proposed designation of a heritage preservation district, including boundaries, and a program for the preservation of a heritage preservation district. Upon City Council approval, the Planning Commission will be notified of the change in the status of the property, and the Council shall direct the Zoning Administrator to amend the map.
   (G)   Gifts, donations and negotiations. The Commission may recommend to the City Council that certain property eligible for designation as a heritage preservation site be acquired by gift, donation or negotiation. The Commission may recommend that the city accept gifts and contributions made to the city. The city staff may assist in preparing application for grant funds for heritage preservation.
   (H)   State and national register of historic places. Any property designated to the state register of historic places or the national register of historic places shall automatically become designated a local historic site or district. Upon designation, the Heritage Preservation Commission shall notify the Planning Commission of the designation and recommend that the official zoning map be amended to reflect the change in status of the property or properties.
(Ord. 940, passed 4-15-08; Am. Ord. 951, passed 12-1-09)