§ 117.05 CONDITIONS.
   (A)   The conduct of lawful gambling under license issued by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board shall be subject to the following conditions in the city:
      (1)   Each organization authorized to conduct lawful gambling within the city must, on an annual basis, expend at least 70% of its lawful purpose expenditures on activities conducted or located within the trade area of the city.
      (2)   For the purposes of this chapter, the city's trade area shall be defined as Waseca County.
      (3)   Each organization conducting lawful gambling within the city shall report annually to the City Manager's office of the city not later than 30 days after each annual anniversary of the date on which the organization became licensed, its expenditures for lawful purposes, which information shall include the name and address of the organization, a general description of how the expenditures for lawful gambling were spent and a showing that the required percentage was, in fact, expended for lawful purposes conducted or located within the city's trade area as defined above.
   (B)   The City Manager's office may prepare a form for use in reporting the information required by this section.
(`86 Code, § 4.63) (Am. Ord. 716, passed 4-7-98)