(A)   At the time of application for the license or for license renewal required by this section, the Housing Inspector shall collect the appropriate license fee and inspection fee in accordance with the annual fee schedule.
   (B)   The license and inspection fees shall be paid upon application on or before date of initial license issuance or license renewal. The license fee shall be subject to a 10% penalty per month, or any portion thereof, beyond the date due and payable. Except as provided for the transfer of license, no refund of license and inspection fees shall be made to those discontinuing operation or who sell, transfer, give away or otherwise dispose of a licensed building to another person. In the event it is determined by the City Manager that an application must be denied due to legal restrictions that prohibit the issuance of the license, the applicant's tendered fees will be returned. The City Manager shall review the fee schedule annually and recommend changes as the Manager deems appropriate to the City Council. If the application is made after July 1, the fee shall be 50% of the fee otherwise due.
(`86 Code, § 4.93) (Am. Ord. 705, passed 10-7-97; Am. Ord. 803, passed 8-20-02)