| Land Use
| Utility Factor
| Land Use
| Utility Factor
1 | Residential | 1.0 |
2 | Duplex/triplex | .5 |
3 | Apartment or townhome - separate utility accounts | .25 |
4 | Manufactured home | .25 |
5 | Apartment building - single utility account | 2.6 |
6 | Commercial or industrial | 2.6 |
7 | Public/quasi public institutions | 2.6 |
The surface water management fee for each tax parcel classified as 1 is the single-family residential fee. The fee for classifications 2, 3 and 4 is the single-family residential fee multiplied by the utility factor. The fee for classifications 5, 6, and 7 is calculated as follows: fee for single-family residential multiplied by the utility factor multiplied by the acreage of the parcel. For tax parcels classified 5, 6, or 7 with less than 42% impervious surface the fee shall be adjusted by multiplying the fee by the percentage of impervious surface and then dividing by 42%.
Classes 1-4 = Base Fee X Utility Factor
Classes 5-7, > 42% impervious surface
= Base Fee X Utility Factor X Acreage
Classes 5-7, < 42% impervious surface
= Previously Calculated Fee X (% Impervious Surface/.42)
(Ord. 1010, passed 11-19-13)