(A)   Title of policy and incorporation by reference.
      (1)   This section shall be known as the "Electronic Meetings Policy" of the Board of Commissioners.
      (2)   The provisions of I.C. 3-14-1.5-1, et seq., including any and all definitions, are hereby incorporated into this policy by reference.
   (B)   Electronic participation.
      (1)   Subject to divisions (C) and (E), below, any Commissioner may participate in a meeting by any electronic means of communication that:
         (a)   Allows all Commissioners to simultaneously communicate with each other; and
         (b)   Except for a meeting that is an executive session, allows the public to simultaneously attend and observe the meeting.
      (2)   A Commissioner who participates by an electronic means of communication:
         (a)   Shall be considered present for purposes of establishing a quorum; and
         (b)   May participate in final action only if the Commissioner can be seen and heard.
      (3)   All votes taken during a meeting in which a Commissioner participates by an electronic means of communication must be taken by roll call vote.
   (C)   Attendance by electronic means.
      (1)   At least two Commissioners must be physically present at a meeting during which a Commissioner is participating by electronic means of communication. No more than one Commissioner may participate by means of electronic communication at the same meeting.
      (2)   A Commissioner shall not attend more than 50% of meetings in a calendar year by electronic means of communication, unless the Commissioner's electronic participation is due to:
         (a)   Military service;
         (b)   Illness or other medical condition;
         (c)   Death of a relative; or
         (d)   An emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
      (3)   A Commissioner may attend two consecutive meetings by electronic communication. In the event a Commissioner attends two consecutive meetings by electronic communication, said Commissioner must be physically present at the next subsequent meeting, unless the Commissioner's absence is due to:
         (a)   Military service;
         (b)   Illness or other medical condition;
         (c)   Death of a relative; or
         (d)   An emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
   (D)   Electronic meeting minutes. The minutes of a meeting at which a Commissioner participates by electronic means of communication shall:
      (1)   Identify each Commissioner who:
         (a)   Was physically present at the meeting;
         (b)   Participated in the meeting by electronic means of communication; and
         (c)   Was absent.
      (2)   Identify the electronic means of communication by which:
         (a)   A Commissioner participated in the meeting; and
         (b)   Members of the public attended and observed the meeting if the meeting was not an executive session.
   (E)   Final action not permitted. No Commissioner who is participating in a meeting by means of electronic communication shall participate in taking final action if the Board of Commissioners is attempting to take final action to:
      (1)   Adopt a budget;
      (2)   Make a reduction in personnel;
      (3)   Initiate a referendum;
      (4)   Impose or increase a fee;
      (5)   Impose or increase a penalty;
      (6)   Exercise the governing body's power of eminent domain; or
      (7)   Establish, impose, raise, or renew a tax.
(BC Res. 2021-07, 5-24-2021)