(A) Upon completion of the work the permittee shall refill the trenches or sub-grade areas with sand, pea-size gravel or crushed white rock of a size numbered 53, 63 or 73; provided, however, if an area to be filled will not be covered with street pavement or is a sidewalk, and is not an alley, then the area shall be filled with sand or dirt. All fill material shall be free of rubbish and vegetation and shall be compacted throughout in six-inch layers while being installed. All streets shall, where possible, be restored, under the pavement area, with at least six inches of concrete and above that a four-inch final surface of concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be restored with compacted dirt or aggregate as a base and the sidewalk surface shall be of a material and design equal to the adjoining undisturbed sidewalk.
(B) In all cases where fill has been placed but a final surface has not yet been completed, the permittee shall lay a suitable temporary surface to provide for the safe transit of the work area by the public.
(BC Ord. 1991-22, passed 8-12-91)
The County Highway Engineer may inspect the work from time to time and shall inspect the work during filling and final restoration. Such work shall also be inspected by the county within 30 days before the two-year security period shall expire. Any deterioration of the repair or restoration other than that normally anticipated by reasonable use shall be repaired by permittee before release of the security.
(BC Ord. 1991-22, passed 8-12-91)
(A) Permits to allow work within the county road right-of-way shall be submitted to the County Highway Engineer and Board of Commissioners no later than one week prior to the next scheduled Commissioners meeting, as posted on the Board of Commissioners' website and in accordance with state law.
(B) Upon approval of the application for permit and prior to commencement of the proposed work within the road right-of-way, all applicants shall be required to give a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 72 hours notification prior to beginning of work.
(BC Ord. 1998-4, passed 5-11-98; Am. BC Ord. 2024-10, passed 8-26- 24) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) All bonds shall name "The Board of Commissioners of the County of Warrick" as beneficiary of the bond and shall run for a minimum of one year. A certificate of insurance is not acceptable for bonding purposes. The bond must name the Board of Commissioners exclusively and not be subordinate to any other claims against the bond. The bond amount will be set by the Board of Commissioners. In general, the following are minimum bond amounts that will be required by the Board of Commissioners. Where there is a higher risk to county infrastructure, or the permitted work is much larger or more complex than normal permitted work, the Board of Commissioners reserve the right to increase the bond requirement after reviewing the application for permit and before approving the permit. The minimum bonding amounts are as follows:
(1) Open road cut: $50,000;
(2) Underground construction, grading, trenching or excavation parallel to the road: $50,000;
(3) Push or bore: $50,000;
(4) Placement/removal of poles/overhead lines: $50,000;
(5) Tap pit (including a directly associated push or bore): $10,000 per tap pit;
(6) House moving: $30,000 per move;
(7) Vehicle weight restriction exemption: $40,000 per mile;
(8) Maintenance bonds: equal to the initial permit bond amount.
(B) The Board of Commissioners will allow applicants who intend to file for multiple permits to have an annual permit bond for utility work in the county right-of-way. The minimum annual permit bond amount requirement is currently $75,000. The annual permit bond shall be written so that it automatically renews, unless the surety gives a written notice 60 days prior to the annual expiration date. The written notice must be by certified mail to the Warrick County Board of Commissioners, ATTN: County Administrator.
(BC Ord. 1998-4, passed 5-11-98; 1999-37, passed 10-25-99; Am. BC Ord. 2024-10, passed 8-26-24) Penalty, see § 92.99
Anyone performing work within the county road right-of-way must conform with the requirements set out in the latest edition of the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices or the latest edition of the Handbook for Traffic Control in Construction and Maintenance Areas which is published by HERPICC at Purdue University. The traffic control procedures must be followed even if a permit is not required for work in the right-of-way. A permit holder must also provide all traffic control as set out in the conditions of the permit. A road must not be completely closed to traffic at any time unless it has been requested as a part of the permit and a traffic detour plan has been approved by the Board of Commissioners for Warrick County. When working on a low volume road, the guidelines in § 92.48 may be used to determine if flaggers are not required on the project.
(BC Ord. 1998-4, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 92.99