(A)   Any permit issued by the Board of Commissioners will be granted only after application by the proposed operator and the owner of the real estate to be used. The application shall describe the real estate to be used, along with a description, ownership and usage of all real estate within one half mile of the proposed landfill. It shall also contain a map showing the route or routes to be used coming to and from such landfill. The application shall also designate any governmental units or units the operator intends to serve. It shall also describe the type and volume of refuse to be handled.
   (B)   On the receipt of an application for a landfill, the Board of Commissioners shall assign the same for hearing, which hearing shall not be less than two weeks from the date of filing. Notice shall be given by publication in two newspapers of opposite political faith published in the county, plus notice by certified mail to all persons listed as living or owning real estate within one half-mile of the proposed landfill.
   (C)   It shall be the burden of the applicant to introduce proof that the landfill will be environmentally safe, that the routes to the landfill will not be an excessive burden on county roads, that proper precautions will be taken to prevent spillage of refuse along county roads, and that the landfill operation will comply with all laws governing landfills.
   (D)   A fee of $100 shall accompany every application to cover the cost of the hearing. The fee shall not be returnable.
(BC Ord. 1978-11, passed 11-6-78)