(A)   This county will capitalize new improvements other than buildings only if it meets the following conditions:
      (1)   The total cost exceeds $5,000, and
      (2)   The useful life is greater than two years.
   (B)   A department will capitalize improvements or renovations to existing improvements other than buildings only if the result meets the following conditions:
      (1)   The total cost exceeds $5,000,
      (2)   The asset's useful life is extended two or more years, and
      (3)   The total cost will be greater than the current book value and less than the fair market value.
   (C)   A department's donated improvements other than buildings will be recorded at fair market value on the date of transfer with any associated costs.
   (D)   Purchases made using federal or state funding will follow the source funding policies and above procedures.
(BC Ord. 1997-19, passed 12-1-97)