(A)   Established. Pursuant to I.C. 5-14-3-8.3, the County Council hereby establishes the County Office of the Recorder’s Enhanced Access Fund (“Enhanced Access Fund”).
   (B)   Funding. The Enhanced Access Fund shall consist of fees charged by the Recorder for providing enhanced access to a public record in accordance with I.C. 5-14-3-8(h) and (i), and shall be subject to the appropriation by the County Council.
   (C)   Use of funds. In accordance with Indiana Code 5-14-3-8.3(b) all funds collected in the Enhanced Access Fund shall be specifically dedicated to the following purposes:
      (1)   The replacement, improvement and expansion of capital expenditures; and
      (2)   The reimbursement of operating expenses incurred in providing enhanced access to public information.
(CC Ord. 2008-01, passed 5-1-08)