A. Those general certifications listed in subsection B of this section with their respective effective dates, three (3) copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Clerk, shall be and are hereby adopted as general certifications for the City.
B. List of adopted general certifications:
1. Construction of accessory structures in a floodplain, effective April 25, 2012;
2. Construction of boardwalks, effective April 25, 2012;
3. Construction of boat lifts and piers in a floodplain, buffer and/or wetland, effective April 25, 2012;
4. Construction of a deck in a floodplain or buffer, effective April 25, 2012;
5. Demolition of structures in a floodplain, buffer, and/or wetland, effective April 25, 2012;
6. Construction of posts, fencing, and guardrails in a floodplain or buffer, effective April 25, 2012;
7. Construction of recreational facilities not located in a wetland, effective April 25, 2012;
8. Construction of sidewalks, trails, patios, and driveways outside of wetlands, effective April 25, 2012;
9. Construction of storm sewer outfalls and outlet channels located in a floodway, floodplain, buffer, and/or wetland, effective April 25, 2012;
10. Construction of shoreline or stream bank stabilization measures, effective April 25, 2012;
11. Construction of topsoil and sand restoration in a floodplain, floodway or buffer, but not within a wetland, effective April 25, 2012; and
12. Construction of utilities, effective April 25, 2012. (Ord. O2017-38, 6-19-2017)