A.   The City of Warrenville Plan Commission shall serve as the Oversight Committee with respect to administration of the Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance.
   B.   Any party aggrieved by an administrative order requirement, decision or determination made pursuant to this chapter by an authorized administrative official of the City or any person seeking a variance from the requirements of said chapter may file a petition for review with the Oversight Committee.
   C.   The petition for review of an order or decision shall be filed with the authorized administrative official within twenty (20) days of the date of the order or decision being appealed. A petition for review in the nature of a variance may be filed at any time. The petition shall contain:
      1.   The name, address and telephone number of the party filing the petition, and
      2.   The location of the property affected, and
      3.   Identification of the provision of the ordinance governing the decision being appealed or from which a variance is sought, and
      4.   A statement of the grounds on which the petition or variance request is based, and
      5.   A brief summary of the factual evidence upon which the petition is based, and
      6.   A plot plan and verbal description of the use affected.
   D.   The Oversight Committee, after notice to the applicant, shall conduct a public hearing on the petition. The applicant and other interested parties shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence in support of the petition at the hearing. Upon the conclusion of the hearing the Oversight Committee shall enter a written finding of facts and a decision regarding the petition. Any party to the hearing may, within twenty (20) days, appeal to the City Council for review of the decision. Upon timely application for an appeal, the City Council shall review the hearing record and Oversight Committee decision. The decision of the City Council shall be final. (Ord. O2017-38, 6-19-2017)