For shallow, wet bottom retention facilities, i.e., those stormwater retention facilities where the bottom is planted with wetland vegetation and the normal water depth is twelve inches (12") to eighteen inches (18"), in addition to the design criteria set forth within section 8-13-7 of this chapter, the following additional criteria shall apply:
   A.   Design: A qualified landscape architect and/or ecologist shall be required to either design or certify the design of these plantings.
   B.   Letter Of Credit: The letter of credit "maintenance" period for these improvements shall be three (3) years instead of two (2) years and shall be in the amount of twenty percent (20%) versus ten percent (10%).
   C.   Inspection And Certification: In order to verify that the native plantings have been established properly, an inspection shall be performed and a report created by a qualified environmental consultant to verify the status of the plantings and to outline a recommended future maintenance program.
Requests for relief from the requirements of this section will be processed by the Oversight Committee. A public hearing or a published legal notice is not required for any such request unless the request also involves relief from the requirements of the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance. The applicant will be responsible for payment of any nonrefundable application fees to appear before the Plan Commission/Oversight Committee. (Ord. O2017-38, 6-19-2017)