A. Freestanding interstate highway signs shall be allowed to be installed on interstate highway sign sites subject to compliance with the following regulations:
1. Maximum Total Freestanding Sign Area: One thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet;
2. Maximum Sign Height (Measured Per Subsection 8-14-5B Of This Code): Sixty five feet (65');
3. Maximum Sign Face Area: Seven hundred (700) square feet;
4. Maximum Number Of Sign Faces Per Sign: Two (2);
5. Minimum Setback From Interstate Highway Sign Site Property Lines: Ten feet (10');
6. Minimum Setback From Residentially Zoned Property Lines: Four hundred feet (400');
7. Minimum Setback From Residentially Occupied Structures On Residentially Zoned Properties: Four hundred fifty feet (450');
8. Illumination Standards:
a. At no time shall the sign display exceed a brightness level of three-tenths (0.3) foot-candle above ambient light, as measured using a foot-candle meter and measured at a distance of two hundred fifty feet (250') from the sign.
b. In no case shall the sign display increase lighting levels at adjacent off site residentially zoned and occupied properties by more than 0.1 foot-candle above ambient light levels, as measured using a foot-candle meter and measured at the off site residential property line.
c. In no case shall the luminosity of the digital sign display during full sun daylight hours exceed seven thousand (7,000) nits, as measured using a nit gun located at an elevated height perpendicular to the digital display or setback three hundred fifty (350) to five hundred feet (500') back on the centerline of the sign face provided that at all times nit gun measurement circle shall not fall outside the lighted digital sign face.
d. In no case shall the maximum luminosity of the sign during nighttime hours, in a full white/full brightness field, exceed two hundred (200) nits as measured using a nit gun located at an elevated height perpendicular to the digital display or setback three hundred fifty (350) to five hundred feet (500') back on the centerline of the sign face provided that at all times nit gun measurement circle shall not fall outside the lighted digital sign face.
e. Digital sign displays shall be equipped and operated with an ambient light sensor/photocell and dimming software that automatically adjusts the brightness and luminosity of the sign relative to ambient light so that at no time will the sign exceed the preceding maximum foot-candle and luminosity levels.
9. Changeable Copy: The frequency of messages changes on the sign shall not be less than once every ten (10) seconds. Message changes shall be completed in one second or less;
10. Spacing: A six hundred foot (600') minimum spacing shall be required between individual freestanding interstate highway signs;
11. Sign Agreement: A sign agreement which includes the foregoing regulatory standards and which is approved by the city council, shall be required prior to the issuance of a sign permit to a governmental agency for a new freestanding interstate highway sign;
12. Public Information And Input Meeting: From and after the effective date of this chapter, a mandatory public information and input meeting shall be conducted on any proposed new freestanding interstate highway sign prior to city council approval of a sign agreement and community development department approval of a sign permit for said sign. The public information and input meeting shall be conducted in general conformance with the provisions contained in section 2.B.4 of the zoning ordinance. At the conclusion of the public information and input meeting, the plan commission may make an advisory recommendation to the city council regarding any such proposal. (Ord. 3028, 9-19-2016)