A.   Spaces For Handicapped Parking: Handicapped parking spaces are hereby established pursuant to 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.1 et seq., as follows:
Whenever the Police Chief of the City finds that a handicapped parking space or spaces is/are required, he shall recommend to the Mayor and City Council that they designate such space or spaces as may be required for handicapped parking. The Police Chief shall then cause to be erected above-grade signs designating such space or spaces as reserved for handicapped persons.
   B.   Decals For Handicapped Parking:
      1.   The City Clerk is authorized to issue a decal to any handicapped person requesting the provision of such decal.
      2.   The fee for the issuance of such decal shall be fifty cents ($0.50).
      3.   Such decal shall be affixed to the upper left-hand corner (driver's side) of the rear window of the vehicle in which the handicapped person is transported.
   C.   Registration Plates: A motor vehicle bearing registration plates issued to a handicapped person or a special decal or device issued by local authorities or a motor vehicle registered in another jurisdiction upon which is displayed a registration plate, special decal or device issued by other jurisdiction designating the vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped person shall be exempt from the payment of parking meter fees and exempt from any statute or ordinance imposing time limitations on parking, except limitations of one-half (1/2) hour or less, on any street or highway zone, or any parking lot or parking place which is owned, leased or owned and leased by a municipality or a Municipal parking utility; but such vehicle shall be subject to the laws which prohibit parking in "no stopping" and "no standing" zones in front of or near fire hydrants, or driveways, public building entrances and exits, bus stops and loading areas, and is prohibited from parking where the motor vehicle constitutes a traffic hazard, whereby such vehicle shall be moved at the instruction and request of a law enforcement officer to a location designated by the officer.
Any motor vehicle bearing registration plates specified in this section or such decals issued by local authorities as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped person or disabled veteran may park, in addition to any other lawful place, in any parking place specifically reserved for such vehicles, by the posting of an official sign as provided in this section. Parking privileges granted by this section are strictly limited to the person to whom the special registration plates, special decal or device were issued and to qualified operators acting under his express direction while the disabled person is present.
No person shall use any area for the parking of any motor vehicle pursuant to this section or where an official sign controlling such area expressly prohibits parking at any time or during certain hours.
It shall be prohibited to park any motor vehicle which is not bearing registration plates or decals issued to a handicapped person or to a disabled veteran, as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped person or disabled veteran, in any parking place, including any private or public off-street parking facility, specifically reserved by the posting of an official sign as designated under this section for motor vehicles bearing such registration plates.
   D.   Removal Of Vehicle: Any person or local authority owning or operating any public or private off-street parking facility may, after notifying the Police Department, remove or cause to be removed to the nearest garage or other place of safety any vehicle parked within a stall or space reserved for use by the handicapped which does not display handicapped registration plates or a special decal or device as required under this section. (Ord. 785, 8-19-1985)