The owner or operator of any kennel or any place where four (4) or more dogs, of an age of four (4) months or older, are kept as household pets, for breeding, grooming, boarding, sheltered, trained, or sold for commercial or humane purposes, or which offers provisions for minor medical treatment, including animal shelters, must first obtain a special use permit. A minimum of one undivided acre is required to house four (4) or more dogs for a private kennel. Two (2) undivided acres are required for a commercial license for up to nineteen (19) dogs, and a minimum of two (2) additional undivided acres are required for each additional ten (10) dogs or fraction thereof.
   Upon obtaining a special use permit to operate a kennel (private or commercial), the owner or operator of any kennel or place where four (4) or more dogs are kept, shall pay an annual license fee as set forth in the annual fee ordinance but need pay no other license fees for dogs therein.
(Ord. 1791, 11-1-1999; amd. Ord. O2024-06, 2-5-2024)