A.   Appointment And Relationship To Elected Officials: The city administrator shall be appointed to an indefinite term of office by a majority vote of the city council. The administrator shall, in all cases, be subject to the authority and direction of the mayor and city council.
   B.   Compensation And Terms Of Appointment: The rate of compensation of the city administrator shall be set by the city council and may be adjusted from time to time as the council deems appropriate.
   C.   Powers And Duties: The city administrator shall be responsible to the mayor and city council for the proper administration of all affairs of the city. In discharging this responsibility, the city administrator shall:
      1.   Direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of all departments, offices, and agencies of the city, except as otherwise provided by law, and to administer the affairs of the city to ensure that all city business is accomplished efficiently and economically;
      2.   Employ, discipline, suspend and terminate any and all city employees, including department directors appointed by the city administrator, except when otherwise provided by law or contract, and to the extent permitted by law and subject to the city administrator's discretion and direct supervision, to delegate to any employee any of these powers as respects any subordinates of that employee; (Ord. 1785, 10-4-1999)
      3.   Attend all meetings of the city council unless excused; take part in all discussions, and make suggestions and recommendations to the city council on any matter pertaining to the city's business or affairs; but the city administrator shall not have the right to vote on any matter; (Ord. 2040, 2-18-2003)
      4.   Provide for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the city; ensure that all franchises granted by, and all contracts with, the city are faithfully kept and performed;
      5.   Prepare and submit to the mayor and city council by the date set by the council a recommended annual budget for city operations and recommended capital programs; administer the approved budget;
      6.   Hold such other appointive offices as may be consistent with law, as the mayor and city council may determine, and to faithfully and honestly discharge the duties and powers associated with such office;
      7.   Submit to the mayor and city council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city as of the end of each fiscal year;
      8.   Make such other reports as the mayor and city council may require concerning the operations of the city departments, offices and agencies;
      9.   Keep the mayor and city council fully apprised as to the present financial condition and future needs of the city;
      10.   Advise the mayor and city council on pending decisions of public policy and recommend the adoption of such measures as the administrator may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety or welfare of the community or for the improvement of administrative services;
      11.   Supervise and administer the procurement of commodities and services for all city departments, offices and agencies, and promulgate purchasing rules implementing city ordinances and which are consistent with state law, which shall be followed by employees in the procurement of goods and services;
      12.   Propose to the mayor and city council such personnel rules and regulations as the administrator deems necessary to manage the personnel of the city;
      13.   Supervise and administer the conduct of all collective bargaining processes of the city and recommend to the city council collective bargaining agreements for consideration and approval by the council, and administer all employee organization contracts reached through the collective bargaining process;
      14.   Provide staff support services to the mayor and members of the city council;
      15.   Perform such other duties as may be specified by law or city ordinance or as may from time to time be requested by the mayor and city council; (Ord. 1785, 10-4-1999)
      16.   Be authorized to amend provisions of the personnel manual without city council approval under the following circumstances:
         a.   To comply with federal or state laws, rules, orders, policies or regulations governing employment; or
         b.   To clarify any of the provisions herein; or
         c.   To make minor amendments as may be required to efficiently provide city services.
With respect to minor amendments or clarifications, the city administrator shall report the proposed amendment or clarification to the city council prior to its implementation. If the city council determines that the proposed amendment or clarification is major, then the city council shall have the sole authority to approve the proposed clarification or amendment. (Ord. 2173, 10-18-2004)
   D.   Bond: The city administrator shall furnish a fidelity bond before entering upon the duties of his office in such sum as may be required by the mayor and city council, but the amount of such bond shall not be less than the amount which may be required from time to time by the statutes of the state or five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) per occurrence, whichever is greater. Said bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the city administrator of his duties and shall be conditioned to indemnify the city for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any act of the city administrator. The premium for such bond shall be paid by the city. (Ord. 2902, 12-15-2014)
   E.   Acting Administrator: Whenever the city administrator is absent from the city for personal reasons, or on account of city business, or is otherwise unable to perform the duties and responsibilities of city administrator due to short term illness or disability, the city administrator may designate in writing a member of the city's senior administrative staff to serve as acting administrator and to carry out the duties of the administrator during the administrator's absence. In the event of a prolonged absence, as determined by either the city administrator himself or the mayor and city council, then the mayor and city council shall appoint an acting administrator, whose office shall be temporary and who shall serve only until such time as the city administrator is able to resume the duties of his office.
   F.   Matters Directed To Administrator's Attention: No citizen or elected officer or official of the city shall dictate the employment or discipline of any person by the city administrator or by any of the city administrator's subordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry or work orders, elected city officers or officials shall deal with the administrative service through the city administrator. Elected city officers shall not give orders to any subordinates of the city administrator, either publicly or privately.
   G.   Authority Of Other Officers: Except to the extent permitted by law, nothing contained in this section shall be construed or be deemed to diminish or detract from the powers and authority of any elected or appointed officer or official of the city that is provided by state statute. (Ord. 1785, 10-4-1999; amd. Ord. O2021-02, 1-18-2021)