1-6-7: CITY CLERK:
   A.   Duties Of City Clerk: The city clerk shall have and perform the following duties:
      1.   Keep the corporate seal, to be provided by the city council, and all papers belonging to the city, the custody and control of which are not given to other officers.
      2.   Attend all meetings of the council and keep a full record of its proceedings in the journal.
      3.   Appoint the various clerks and subordinates to work in the office, which the city council may authorize and shall be held responsible for the fidelity of all persons so appointed.
      4.   Have the power to administer oaths and affirmations upon all lawful occasions.
      5.   Exercise a general supervision over all the officers of the city, charged in any manner with the receipt, collection and return of the city revenue into the treasury.
      6.   Have the custody and control of all city documents, books and papers which the city council may designate. (Ord. 469, 10-15-1979; amd. Ord. 889, 4-20-1987)
      7.   The city clerk shall further perform such duties as may be prescribed by law or may be assigned to him/her by the city council. (Ord. 2040, 2-18-2003)