A.   Every violent offender against youth, as that term is defined in 730 Illinois Compiled Statutes 154/5 et seq., who either: 1) resides in or 2) is employed in or 3) attends an institution of higher learning in the city of Warrenville shall register with the Warrenville chief of police as required by law. The violent offender against youth shall pay a twenty dollar ($20.00) initial registration fee and a ten dollar ($10.00) annual registration renewal fee to the Warrenville chief of police. The chief of police may waive the registration fee if the chief of police determines that the person is indigent and unable to pay the registration fee.
   B.   Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the murderer and violent offender against youth registration fund. The fees shall be used by the chief of police for official police department purposes. The chief of police shall establish procedures to document receipt and use of the funds. (Ord. 2860, 7-7-2014)