A.   Appointments: The Mayor shall have the power to make permanent appointments only with the advice and consent of the Council, and in some cases, subject to the approval of the Council, unless otherwise explicitly stated in this Code. Any permanent appointment made without the Council shall be invalid and without force.
   If there are applicants for an position appointed by the Mayor, the Mayor must make the appointment and the Council members then present shall decide whether to ratify the appointment or not to ratify the appointment. For this very reason, care should be exercised by all members of the Council in soliciting any applicants for appointive positions.
In order to prevent a stoppage of public business, to meet extraordinary exigencies or to prevent material impairment of any department in the City, the Mayor may make a temporary appointment, to remain in force until a permanent appointment can be made. The temporary appointment shall not exceed a period of sixty (60) days. No temporary appointment of any one person shall be made more than twice in any calendar year.
      1.   Whenever an appointed Municipal official ceases to perform the duties of or to hold the office by reason of death, permanent physical or mental disability, conviction of a disqualifying crime, or dismissal from or abandonment of office and, further, in order to prevent a stoppage of public business, to meet extraordinary exigencies, or to prevent material impairment of any department in the City, the Mayor may make a temporary appointment to such Municipal office and the term of the appointment shall not exceed a single sixty (60) day term or the then remaining term of the Mayor of the City, whichever is less; provided, however, that the term of any temporary appointment for the offices listed in subsection A2 of this section shall be as set forth in that subsection.
      2.   The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, may temporarily appoint:
         a.   City Administrator;
         b.   Budget Officer;
         c.   Chief of Police.
      3.   No person shall be eligible for a temporary appointment a second time to the same Municipal office, but the same person is eligible for permanent appointment to the same office in accordance with the applicable State Statutes and City ordinances.
   B.   Discharge Of City Officials Appointed By The Mayor: An appointed official of the City may be discharged as provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3.1-35-10. (Ord. 2040, 2-18-2003; amd. Ord. O2021-02, 1-18-2021)