In the event a determination has been made that a tax is due and owing, through audit, assessment or other bill sent, the tax must be paid within the time frame otherwise indicated.
   A.   Interest: The city hereby provides for the amount of interest to be assessed on a late payment, underpayment, or nonpayment of any tax, or any installment payment due on an installment contract as provided for in section 3-16-13 of this chapter, to be the underpayment rate established under section 6621 of the internal revenue code, or any successor or amendatory law thereto.
   B.   Late Filing And Payment Penalties: If a tax return is not filed within the time and manner provided by the controlling tax ordinance, a late filing penalty of five percent (5%) of the amount of tax required to be shown as due on a return shall be imposed; and a late payment penalty of five percent (5%) of the tax due shall be imposed. If no return is filed within the time or manner provided by the controlling tax ordinance and prior to the city issuing a notice of tax delinquency or notice of tax liability, then a failure to file penalty shall be assessed equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the total tax due for the applicable reporting period for which the return was required to be filed. A late filing or late payment penalty shall not apply if a failure to file penalty is imposed by the local tax administrator. (Ord. 1896, 2-20-2001)