As required by statute, the following public records are exempted from public disclosure unless access to the record is specifically required by a state or federal statute or is ordered by a court under the rules of discovery:
   (A)   Those declared confidential by state statute;
   (B)   Those declared confidential by rule adopted by a public agency under specific authority to classify public records as confidential granted to the public agency by statute;
   (C)   Those records that are required to be kept confidential by federal law;
   (D)   Those records containing trade secrets;
   (E)   Confidential financial information obtained, upon request, from a person. However, this does not include information that is filed with or received by a public agency pursuant to state statute;
   (F)   Documents declared confidential by or under rules adopted by the Supreme Court of Indiana;
   (G)   Medical records and charts created by a provider, unless the requester has written consent of the subject; and
   (H)   The telephone number, social security number, and address of a consumer of a municipality owned utility.
(Ord. 2002-4, passed 7-10-02)