§ 150.03  AUTHORITY.
   The Building Commissioner of Huntington County, hereinafter referred to as the Building Commissioner, after having been designated as the officer of a single agency to administer and enforce this subchapter, is hereby authorized in the name of the town to issue building permits, collect permit fees, perform inspections, order correction of violations of this subchapter, and authorize occupancy of buildings and structures within the corporate limits of the town and upon all land outside of the town, and included in a certain unincorporated tract contiguous to the town and located in Salamonie Township, Huntington County, Indiana, and bounded by the centerline of certain roads, which roads are: On the north County Road 900 South; on the east County Road 300 East; on the south County Road 1100 South and State Road #218; and on the west Meridian Road.  Further, all reference to the "town" in this subchapter shall be construed where appropriate to mean the Town of Warren, and the aforementioned unincorporated tract.  Applications  for such building permits  however,  shall first be approved by the Town Council to indicate compliance with this subchapter or other applicable ordinances of the town.
(Ord. 1992-14, passed - -)