Land enrolled in the enhanced voluntary agricultural district program is entitled to all of the benefits available under the voluntary agricultural district program, and to the following additional benefits under this section.
   (A)   Agricultural Cost Share Program. Landowners participating in enhanced districts are eligible under G.S. § 106-850(b) to receive the higher percentage of cost-share funds for the benefit of that farmland under the Agriculture Cost Share Program established pursuant to G.S. Ch. 106, Art. 72.
   (B)   Priority consideration. State departments, institutions, or agencies that award grants to farmers are encouraged to give priority consideration to landowners participating in enhanced districts.
   (C)   Utility assessment waiver. As provided in § 155.12, waiver of all county utility assessments, in addition to waiver of water and sewer assessments, is available to all participants in enhanced districts.
(Ord. passed 6-7-2021)