§ 111.24  ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   The County Department of Emergency Medical Services shall be the enforcing agency for the regulations contained in this chapter.
   (B)   Such office will:
      (1)   Receive all franchise proposals from potential providers;
      (2)   Study each proposal for conformance to this chapter;
      (3)   With the approval of the Council, recommend to the Board of Commissioners the award of the franchise(s) to the applicants submitting the best proposal(s);
      (4)   Inspect the premises, vehicles, equipment, and personnel of franchisees to assure compliance to this chapter and perform any other inspections that may be required;
      (5)   With the approval of the Council, recommend to the Board of Commissioners the temporary or permanent suspension of a franchise in the event of noncompliance with the franchise terms of this chapter. Recommend the imposition of misdemeanor or civil penalties as provided therein;
      (6)   Ensure, by cooperative agreement with other ambulance services, the continued service in a district where an ambulance service franchise has been suspended;
      (7)   Receive monthly reports from ambulance services and consolidate the same into a quarterly summary for review by the Council and the county;
      (8)   Receive complaints from the public, other enforcing agencies, and ambulance services regarding franchise infractions. Review the complaint with the Council. Obtain corrective action with the approval of the Council;
      (9)   With the approval of the Council, recommend improvements to the county which will ensure better medical transportation;
      (10)   Maintain all records required by this chapter and other applicable county regulations;
      (11)   Perform such of the above functions as may be requested by any municipality within the county; and
      (12)   Serve as staff to the County Emergency Medical Services Council on all matters that pertain to the Council.
(Ord. passed - -)