No well shall be located, constructed, operated, or repaired in any manner that may adversely impact the quality of ground water. Any test holes and borings shall be permanently abandoned by the driller in accordance with § 52.58 of these rules within two days after drilling or two days after testing is complete, whichever is least restrictive; except in the case that a test well is being converted to a production well, in which case conversion shall be completed within 30 days.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
(A) No well shall be constructed or used for recharge, injection, or disposal purposes without prior permission from the Health Department.
(B) The discharge of any waste to the subsurface or ground waters of the county through wells is prohibited.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984) Penalty, see § 52.99
All wells shall be located, designed, constructed, operated, and abandoned with materials and by methods which are compatible with the chemical and physical properties of the contaminants involved, specific site conditions and specific subsurface conditions. Specific construction standards will be itemized upon issuance of the permit, but the following general requirements will apply.
(A) The borehole shall not penetrate to a depth greater than the depth to be monitored or the depth which contaminants are to be recovered.
(B) The well shall not hydraulically connect separate aquifers.
(C) Construction materials shall be compatible with the contaminants to be monitored or recovered.
(D) The well shall be constructed in such a manner that water from the land surface cannot migrate into gravel pack or well screen area.
(E) When a gravel pack is placed around the screen, a seal shall be installed above the gravel.
(F) Grout shall be placed in the annular space between the casing and the borehole wall from land surface to a depth within two feet above the top of the well screen or to the bottom of the casing for open end walls.
(G) All wells shall be secured to reasonably ensure against unauthorized access and use.
(H) All wells shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use.
(I) Each well shall have permanently affixed an identification plate constructed of a durable material and shall contain the following:
(1) Drilling contractor name and registration number;
(2) The date the well completed;
(3) Total depth of well; and
(4) A warning that the well is not for water supply and that the ground water may contain hazardous materials.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)