§ 52.25  WELL SCREENS.
   (A)   The well, if constructed to obtain water from an unconsolidated rock formation, shall be equipped with a screen that will adequately prevent the entrance of formation material into the well after the well has been developed and completed by the well contractor.
   (B)   The well screen shall:
      (1)   Be of a standard design and manufactured specifically for the purpose of well construction;
      (2)   Be of steel, brass, bronze, or plastic and shall be of a strength to withstand satisfactorily chemical and physical forces applied to it during and after installation. Plastic well screens shall:
         (a)   Have an accurate uniform gauge;
         (b)   Have a minimum wall thickness and tolerance which meets or exceeds requirements for schedule 40 thermoplastic water well casing pipe for nominal sizes three inches and smaller;
         (c)   Have a minimum wall thickness and tolerance which meets or exceeds requirements for SDR 17 thermoplastic water well casing for nominal sizes greater than three inches;
         (d)   Be constructed with keystone shaped NSF approved plastic wire or rings surrounding pipe or calibrated slots cut in pipe base;
         (e)   Be installed in wells without interference from formation material or other objects that may cause physical damage during emplacement; and
         (f)   Be approved by federal, state, and municipal agencies having requirements applicable to well construction.
      (3)   Be designed to permit the optimum development of the aquifer with minimum head loss consistent with the intended use of the well. The openings shall be designed to prevent clogging and shall be free of rough edges, irregularities, or other defects that may accelerate or contribute to corrosion or clogging; and
      (4)   Be provided with such fittings as are necessary to seal the top of the screen to the casing and to close the bottom. If the screen is installed inside the casing, a lead-packer seal or other approved device shall be used to seal the screen, or screen extension to the casing.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
   (A)   Every well shall be properly developed by the drilling contractor.
   (B)   Development shall include removal of:
      (1)   Formation cuttings and mud from the entire depth of the well;
      (2)   Drilling fluids and additives; and
      (3)   Any formation material from the water bearing zones or other source that may enter the well as a result of pumping at a rate within the limits of the reported yield.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
   (A)   An identification plate showing the drilling contractor and his or her registration number shall be installed on the well within 24 hours after the drilling is complete.
   (B)   The identification plate shall be constructed of a durable, weather-proof, rust-proof metal, or equivalent material.
   (C)   The identification plate shall be securely attached to the well casing or enclosure floor around the casing where it is readily visible.
   (D)   The identification plate shall not be removed from the well by any person.
   (E)   The identification tag shall be stamped with a permanent marking within 30 days after drilling is completed to show the:
      (1)   Total depth of well;
      (2)   Casing depth (feet) and inside diameter (inches);
      (3)   Screened intervals of screened wells;
      (4)   Gravel interval of gravel-packed wells;
      (5)   Yield or specific capacity expressed in gallons per minute (gpm), or gallons per minute per foot of draw-down (gpm/ft.-DD); and
      (6)   Static water level and date measured.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)