The well shall be located:
(A) For private well water supplies, at a site not generally subject to flooding; the site for public well water supplied shall not be subject to flooding;
(B) (1) For private well water supplies, a minimum horizontal distance of 50 feet from any watertight sewage and liquid waste collection facility, such as cast iron pipes with leaded joints, except where it is not feasible to obtain 50 feet separation because of lot size or other fixed conditions, the horizontal distance shall be the maximum feasible distance, but in no case less than 25 feet.
(2) For public well water supplies, the well shall be located at least 100 feet from any sewer or other potential sources of pollution unless the sewer is constructed of materials and joints that are equivalent to water main standards, in which case the sewer shall be at least 50 feet from the well.
(C) (1) For private well water supplies, a minimum horizontal distance of 100 feet from any ground absorption sewage disposal system, such as a septic tank system, and any other source of potential pollution or contamination, except where it is not feasible to obtain 100 feet separation because of lot size or other fixed conditions, the separation distance shall be the maximum feasible distance, but in no case less than 50 feet.
(2) For public well water supplies, the well shall be located on a lot so that the area within 100 feet of the well shall be owned or controlled by the person supplying the water. Variances in the well lot area may be permitted by a representative of the Division of Health Services where emergency conditions exist, as determined by the representative of the Division of Health Services;
(D) A minimum horizontal distance of ten feet from any property boundary;
(E) At a site that permits access for maintenance, repair, treatment testing, and such other attention as may be necessary;
(F) At a site that is well drained, the site for public well water supplies shall be graded or sloped so that surface water is diverted away from the well; and
(G) At a minimum horizontal distance of 50 feet from a building foundation subject to termite treatment.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
(A) The source of water for any well intended for domestic use shall be from a water-bearing zone or aquifer that is not polluted and that does not contain nonpotable mineralized water.
(B) In areas described in § 52.61, the source shall be at least 35 feet below land surfaces.
(C) In all other areas, the source shall be at least 20 feet below land surface.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
(A) The well shall be constructed so that a pump with a capacity equal to the well capacity, within the practical limits of pumps for a given diameter well, can be installed and operated without binding or without interference by contact with any part of the well.
(B) All water-bearing zones that contain polluted or nonpotable mineralized water shall be adequately cased and cemented off so that pollution of underlying or overlying water-bearing zones will not occur.
(C) Drilling fluids shall be obtained from an uncontaminated source, or shall be disinfected prior to use.
(D) Every well shall be cased with the bottom of the casing extending to a minimum depth as follows.
(1) Wells located within the area described in § 52.61 shall be cased from land surface to a depth of at least 35 feet.
(2) Wells located in any other area shall be cased from land surface to a depth of at least 20 feet.
(E) The top of the casing shall be terminated by the drilling contractor at least 12 inches above land surface.
(F) The well shall be adequately cased to prevent formation material from entering the well after the well has been developed and completed by the drilling contractor.
(G) The casing in wells constructed to obtain water from a consolidated rock formation shall be firmly seated and sealed to a depth of at least one foot below the top of the consolidated rock.
(H) The casing in wells constructed to obtain water from an unconsolidated rock formation, such as gravel, sand, or shells, shall extend at least to the top of the water-bearing formation.
(I) Except as otherwise specified in these regulations, the permanent well casing shall comply with the following:
(1) Casing weighing less than standard weight steel pipe is not recommended by the Department for water supply wells, however, steel casing of six and five-eighths inches outside diameter weighing less than standard weight steel pipe will be permitted if the following requirements are met:
(a) The owner prefers casing weighing less than standard weight steel pipe;
(b) The casing shall have a minimum weight of 13 pounds per foot when threaded and coupled;
(c) The casing shall have a minimum nominal wall thickness for a given diameter equal to that specified in § 52.64; and
(d) The casing shall meet the requirements for water well casing pipe of ASTM-A589-70 specifications.
(2) Have watertight joints that shall be electrically welded, or threaded and coupled with heavy recessed-type couplings, the coupling should cover the threads when made power tight;
(3) Be equipped with a drive shoe when the casing is seated in a consolidated rock formation and any other wells if the casing is driven. The drive shoe shall be forged, high carbon, tempered, seamless steel, and have a beveled hardened cutting edge. A drive shoe will not be required for wells in which:
(a) The cement grout surrounds and extends the entire length of the casing; and
(b) The casing is installed without interference from formational material.
(4) If galvanized, must be galvanized in compliance with the requirements of the latest revision of ASTM Specification A120.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)
(A) The casing in wells located within areas described in § 52.61 shall be grouted from land surface to a depth of at least 35 feet.
(B) The casing in wells in which the producing zone underlies zones containing non-potable water shall be grouted from land surface to the top of the producing zone or first impervious layer having a thickness of at least ten feet above the producing zone.
(C) The casing in all other wells shall be grouted from land surface to a minimum depth of 20 feet.
(D) The cement grout shall be placed around the casing by one of the following methods.
(1) Pressure. The annular space between the casing and formation shall be a minimum of one and one-half inches. Cement grout shall be pumped or forced under pressure through the bottom of the casing until it fills the annular area around the casing and overflows at the surface.
(2) Pumping. The annular space between the casing and formation shall be a minimum of one and one-half inches. Cement grout shall be pumped into place through a hose or pipe extended to the bottom of the annular space which can be raised as the grout is applied. The grout hose or pipe should remain submerged in grout during the entire application.
(3) Annular space. The annular space around the casing shall be a minimum of three inches, the annular space shall be completely filled with cement grout by any method that will ensure complete filling of the space, provided the annular area does not contain water. If the annular area contains water, the water shall be removed or the grout shall be placed by either the pumping or pressure methods.
(E) If an outer casing is installed, it shall be grouted by either the pumping or pressure methods.
(F) All grout mixtures shall be prepared before emplacement.
(G) The well shall be grouted within five working days after completion of drilling.
(H) The contractor will give oral notice to the Health Department of any grouting to be done. The notice shall be given in sufficient time to allow the Health Department to inspect the well before the grout is emplaced.
(Ord. passed 7-23-1984)