In cases where a defined open drainage course serving an upstream basin of ten or more acres passes beside or through a property proposed to be subdivided or developed, a stream protection corridor shall be provided, wherein no buildings or structures shall be sited, and no soil shall be disturbed, except as needed to furnish utilities, or to meet the above requirements. The purpose of the corridor is to provide for sufficient vegetation to absorb, filter and slow the speed of stormwater entering the drainage course. Removal of tree, shrubs and ground cover in such corridors shall be minimized unless suitably replaced within 60 days of construction. Restoration of vegetation shall be addressed in the developer's stormwater management plan for the site. The width of the required corridor shall be measured from the ordinary high-water mark of the open drainage course, defined as the edge of vegetation, where delineated, or the edge of the channel required to accommodate a two-year storm, where not delineated. The width of the required corridor from the ordinary high-water mark of the open drainage course shall be in accordance with the following table:
Contributing Drainage Area
Minimum Buffer Width
10 to 40 acres
30 feet
40 to 160 acres
50 feet
160 to 2,200 acres
60 feet
Greater than 2,200 acres
JOO feet