(a) In addition to the above uses the following overlay districts are established to permit a more varied range of uses for specifically approved locations within the industrial park:
(1) "IP (C-S)" Overlay District. This overlay district shall permit all uses in the "C-S" Highway Service District, except:
(A) Adult day care.
(B) Amusement places.
(C) Apartments.
(D) Automobile mechanic shops.
(E) Automobile parking lots and garages.
(F) Automobile sales and service.
(G) Car washes.
(H) Child care centers.
(I) Commercial recreational uses.
(J) Day care.
(K) Drive-in restaurants.
(L) Gun shops.
(M) Hotels and motels.
(N) Liquor stores.
(O) Motor vehicle body shops.
(P) Motor vehicle repair and service.
(Q) Parks and open spaces.
(R) Pawnshops.
(S) Race tracts, animal or vehicular.
(T) Service stations.
(U) Storage and warehousing of products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature.
(V) Taverns.
(W) Thrift shops.
(X) Used car lots.
(Y) Wholesale establishments that handle products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature.
(2) "IP (I-1)" Overlay District. This overlay district shall permit all uses in the "I-1" Light Industrial District, except:
(A) Animal hospitals or clinics.
(B) Auto sales and repair.
(C) Billboards.
(D) Building material sales.
(E) Car wash establishments.
(F) Dry cleaning and/or laundry plants.
(G) Machinery sales and storage lots.
(H) Mini warehouses.
(I) Motor vehicle sales and storage.
(J) Livestock auction sales and grain elevators. (These uses require a special use permit in the "I-1" District, but are not permissible in the "I-P (I-1)" Overlay District).
(3) "IP (I-2)" Overlay District. This overlay district shall permit all uses in the "I-2" Heavy Industrial District, except:
(A) Auto sales and repair.
(B) Building materials, storage and sales.
(C) Dry cleaning and/or laundry plants.
(D) Grain elevators.
(E) Mini warehouses.
(F) Motor vehicle sales and storage.
(G) Radiator repair shops.
(H) Restaurants.
(I) Service stations.
(J) All uses of land allowed in the "I-2" district by "special use permit".