(a)   Any use permitted in the "C-1" Retail Business District.
   (b)   The following uses may be allowed by special use permit when submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals, and under such conditions as the Board may impose:
      (1)   Motor vehicle repair service, provided that all work shall be performed and all materials shall be stored within an enclosed building; and provided further that all operable or inoperable motor vehicles determined by the Building Official to be a safety hazard or visual blight shall be screened from public view and access by a solid or semi-solid fence having a minimum height of six feet and a visual density of no less than 90%.
      (2)   Motor vehicle body shop, provided that all work shall be performed and all materials shall be stored within an enclosed building; and provided further that all operable or inoperable motor vehicles determined by the Building Official to be a safety hazard or visual blight shall be screened from public view and access by a solid or semi-solid fence having a minimum height of six feet and a visual density of no less than 90%.
      (3)   Storage and warehousing except for products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature.
      (4)   Wholesale establishments except those which handle products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature.
      (5)   Any public building erected on land used by any department of the city, county, state or federal government.
      (6)   Public utility. Telephone exchange, electric substation, radio and television towers, water, sewers or storm facilities, a natural, piped gas operating under government franchise and contract.
      (7)   Collection and distribution of recyclable items.