(a) All uses in the "C-1" Commercial District.
(b) Animal hospitals or clinics.
(c) Bakery, including retail outlet.
(d) Car wash.
(e) Drive-in restaurant.
(f) Farm implement sales: outdoor display shall be permitted provided that no machinery shall be displayed, parked, or stored in any required yard.
(g) Feed and seed stores, including garden and lawn supplies.
(h) Marine supplies, including sales and service of outboard motor boards.
(i) Truck sales, service, and repair, provided there is no outside repair or repair storage.
(j) Fermentation processes and associated research, provided the gross floor area on the lot does not exceed 10,000 square feet, and provided that such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration or noise beyond the confines of the building, or emission of dust.
(k) The following uses may be allowed by special use permit when submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals and under such conditions as the Board may impose:
(1) Manufactured home sales, subject to the following regulations:
(A) Sales activities. In the "C-S" Highway Service District, manufactured home sales activities shall be limited to the display, storage, and sale of completed, undamaged manufactured home units, including all activities necessary to prepare said units for display on the property and transport off the property. Said activities shall include the placement or removal of towing equipment, tires and axles, blocks, skids, jacks, skirting and steps, and the connection and disconnection of utilities. Said activities shall not include construction on or in the manufactured home.
(B) Density. No more than eight manufactured homes may exist on each acre of property used for manufactured home sales at any given time.
(C) Spacing. Manufactured homes shall be spaced at least 20 feet from each other if placed side to side, or no less than 15 feet from each other if placed end to end.
(D) Location on lot.
(i) Manufactured homes shall be placed behind all required front yard areas in the "C-S" Highway Service District. This shall include the additional yard requirements for lots located on arterial or collector streets, according to the provisions of § 17-2904.
(ii) No manufactured home shall be placed within 20 feet of any building on the lot or within 20 feet of any property line.
(E) Skirting. All open space below the manufactured home shall be skirted, blocked, or otherwise screened using solid materials which will assure positive closure.
(F) Tie-downs. Each manufactured home shall be provided with anchors and tie-downs of adequate capacity to provide stability against high winds and adverse weather conditions.
(G) Connection to utilities.
(i) If a manufactured home is connected to a water line, said home shall also be connected to a building sewer subject to the separate connection requirements of § 15-408 of this code, and applicable provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code.
(ii) All connections from a manufactured home to utilities (water, gas, electricity, and sewer) shall be of permanent design, materials, and construction, and shall be installed and operated according to applicable provisions of the International Plumbing Code, National Electrical Code, and all other codes of the City of Wamego.
(H) Storage. No outside storage of parts, materials, and equipment shall be allowed, other than equipment or materials attached to a manufactured home unit to meet the requirements of this provision.
(I) Use. No manufactured home shall be used or occupied for any purpose other than sales display.
(2) Child care centers.
(3) Collection and distribution of recyclable items.
(4) Recreational vehicle parks subject to the following conditions:
(A) Recreational vehicle park shall be constructed to accommodate at least ten vehicles.
(B) Each recreational vehicle site shall be at least 900 square feet in area and the average park density shall not exceed 30 recreational vehicles per gross acre.
(C) Provisions are made to assure surface drainage so as to prevent accumulation of stagnant water.
(D) All internal roads shall be at least ten feet in width for each traffic lane and shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, asphaltic concrete or other similar material. Dead end streets longer than 100 feet shall provide a turnaround area at their terminus with a radius of no less than 60 feet.
(E) The grade of individual recreational vehicle stands shall not exceed three inches per ten feet across the width of the stand.
(F) All utilities, water and sewer connections and facilities shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
(G) No vehicle may remain at a recreational vehicle park for more than 30 consecutive days a year.
(5) Race tracks, animal or vehicular.
(6) Wireless communications towers subject to the provisions of Article 29 of this Title.