(a) Where a meter has been found defective or has ceased to register, the amount of electrical current used shall be determined by adding the consumption for a like seasonable period of three months when the meter registered properly and dividing by three. When an electric meter is installed on other than the first day of a billing month at premises to which the city has been providing service but which service previously has not been metered, the amount of current used shall be determined by ascertaining the average daily consumption for the period during which the meter has been in operation and multiplying such average by the number of days in the billing month.
(b) If a customer’s first bill or final bill for electric service is for a period of less than one billing month, the charge for electric current used shall be determined either by dividing the minimum monthly service charge for such service by the number of days in the billing and multiplying the number of days in which service was rendered during the billing month, or by applying the schedule of rates applicable to such service to the first or final consumption reading as taken from the meter. Both methods of figuring the charge for current used in such cases shall be calculated with the largest amount representing the amount to be charged.
(Ord. 1209, passed 8-16-1994)