   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BILLING MONTH. The period of time elapsed between one regular monthly meter reading and the subsequent regular meter reading taken approximately 30 days thereafter.
   CITY. The City of Wamego.
   CONSUMER. The party using the service.
   CUSTOMER. The party in whose name the account is carried.
   MATERIALS. Includes, but not be limited to, underground primary wire, pad mounted transformers, transformer pads, overhead primary wire, poles, transformers mounted on poles, street light poles, street lights and all connectors, fittings, brackets and other devices necessary to convey electricity to parties who will be consumers of the electricity.
   NEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The system of providing electrical services to consumers of electricity in any new addition or area annexed into the city and in existing areas which may be developed within the boundaries of the city.
   NEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AREA. The area covered by a new electrical system plan as described in this article.
   OWNER. The legal or equitable owner of the real property connected to the electric system of the city.
   SERVICE. The sale or supply of electrical energy by the city to customer or consumers.
   SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent of electric distribution of the city.
(Ord. 839, passed 5-15-1979; Ord. 1209, passed 8-16-1994)